Sumptus for Apple Watch

The Sumptus app is an expense tracker for iPhone that was launched by Wesix in 2014.

In that same year, Wesix learned that Apple would be presenting a new device in April, 2015 — the Apple Watch.

The company saw an opportunity to link their Sumptus app for iPhone with the new Apple Watch.

Sumtus_presentation cover.png

My Role

After the initial iPhone app was released, I joined Wesix to replace their only designer. I was a part of a small team of three that included myself, an iOS developer and a marketing specialist.

The project to link the Sumptus app to the new Apple Watch took place between December, 2014 and April, 2015. My role was to design the Sumptus version for the Apple Watch and, then, support its advertising campaign with new promo materials (landing page updates, email, banners, press-kit, etc). This while also implementing new features for next iPhone app releases.

Customers adding their expenses in Sumptus for iPhone in various situations.

Customers adding their expenses in Sumptus for iPhone in various situations.

The Challenge

Sumptus for Apple Watch is special because I created it "blind" before Apple actually shipped their watch. I made decisions based on technical specifications as there was no real device available to the public.

According to our tracking data, the most used functions were adding expenses and viewing statistics. On average, our customers spent under 10 seconds adding an expense in Sumptus on their iPhone.

My goal was to recreate the same efficient experience on a much smaller screen.


At this stage, user research and competitor analysis are usually conducted.

Since the task was to design an application for a device that was not yet on the market, we could not do a competitor analysis.

After analyzing the tracking data from the main app I’ve made a scenarios chart.

Sumptus for Apple Watch scenarios

Sumptus for Apple Watch scenarios